Camera | | Video Notification Delays

Video Notification Expectations, Delays Explained and Suggested Setup Options.

Step 1 - Make sure Push Notifications are setup & enabled on your Cell Phone

  1. Open the App on your phone.
  2. Click the 3 little lines at the top left of the application to open up the dropdown menu.
  3. Scroll down and select Notifications.
  4. Enable Push Notifications.
  5. We recommend you to Turn on all the notification options.


Step 3 - Make sure the cell phone provider setting and video alert format is setup correctly. 

  1. Click on Users
    1. Click on the user in Question and or ADD NEW USER
    2. Click on Mobile under Contact Information.
    3. Make sure the Mobile Phone number is correct.
    4. Make sure the country is correct.
    5. Make sure the carrier is correct.
  2. Click Video.
    1. Click on Recording Rules.
      1. Check the Video Alert Formats.
      2. Select and test formats for both the email and cell phone.


  • Email Video Notifications can take 2-5 min depending on your internet connection.
  • Cell phone Notifications very depending on carrier and cell signal.  Some cell providers may block this and you may or may not need to adjust settings in your phone to except SMS notifications. See your cell provider for more information.

Step 3 - Understand the different notification options and Expectation.

  1. Click to edit the Recording Rule in question.
  2. Click Next to skip Camera Scene Setup
  3. Check to make sure you have set the correct minimum delay between Clips.
    1. Recommended setting is 3 minutes or more so you avoid multiple unwanted notifications that will eat up your clips. 
    2. Make sure that when you test your notifications that the notification delay has expired prior to testing it again.
  4. Make sure you have selected the correct options for when you want the Rule to Run and Except When as this could prevent you from getting notifications if not setup properly.
  5. Setup Notification Clips Containing.....
    1. Person Recommended
    2. Vehicle Recommended 
    3. Animal - Not Recommended but its an option depending on application.
    4. Other - Not Recommended  

Step 4 - Gain the Understanding of the different Notification Options and why one option may be better than another.

  1. Push Notifications - Recommended for Fastest Notification Times 
    1. Text Only - Sends a text only and does not attach the video feed. Most people get the notification for 2 - 10 seconds of triggering the clip. Delays very based on internet connection speed and cell signal. 

    2. Attach Thumbnail - (RECOMMENDED) Sends a live video feed along with the notification. Most people get the notification for 5 - 15 seconds of triggering the clip. Delays very based on internet connection speed and cell signal.  

Thumbnail Notification will send the live video feed in 5-15 seconds and works great for times when you want to see live activity or what package was left at the door but keep in mind that delivery people are quick and you may not catch them in the live video feed before they have already left the scene. No worries.. A clip is being created while you watch the feed.

    1. Simply click the live video, click the X to exit the feed and it will drop you into the app.
    2. Click on Activity (checkmark in the top right of the app)
    3. It takes about 2-3 minutes for a clip to be loaded into the app. If you don't see it then just  refresh the Activity Screen and it will appear after the delay has expired. Delay will vary based on internet and cell connection.
  1. SMS Notifications - (NOT RECOMMENDED) because results very base on cell provider. 
  2. Email Notifications - Recommended Fastest Clip Notifications
    1. Text Notification - Not Recommended
    2. Thumbnail Notification - Not Recommended  
    3. Attach a Video Clip - (RECOMMENDED). Video Clips can take between 2-5 minutes but they are are the actual clip and not just a live video feed.